Friday, November 16, 2012

The blog Blue Blooded in a Sea of Red, by Katy Armstrong, featured a well written post from November 02, 2012, titled "Cookies and Ice Cream for Education.   I would like to comment on it here in my own blog.

          "Cookies and Ice Cream for Education" blogs about a simple model thought up by Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's ice cream fame.  Nothing profound here in Mr. Cohen's presentation or, for that matter, in Mrs. Armstrong's blog.  But it works well and is effective in communicating and presenting information that is otherwise not pleasing to the palate nor good for the digestion.  Oh, bad blogger!!!  I promise no more food analogies. 
          The main thrust of the blog referenced is to let an Oreo cookie  represent 10 billion dollars in spending.  If forty cookies goes towards defense and only three and half cookies to education, then, essentially, we see that the Cookie Monster is our nation's military spending.  A cookie or two more for education and great forward progress could be achieved in preparing to fight a different kind of battle.  Primarily preparing the future generations of our nation and Texas to be competitive in a changing global economic market.
          Mrs. Armstrong then cleverly moves from the attention getter she borrowed from Ben Cohen to bring up current educational issues within Texas.  These include the recent budget cuts which have resulted in 600 school districts suing the state of Texas to get back the program money that was cut. 
          In conclusion, I like the blog because it gets our attention with an analogy anybody can understand.  Also, there are embedded links within the blog which make it convenient to go straight to sources and further information.  All in all a job well done. 


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